Jordyn Woods Shows Her Secret Side To Fans Check Out How Competitive She Is

Posted by Gladis Harcrow on Monday, June 3, 2024

Jordyn Woods is showing fans a part of heer that not many know. She also made sure to tell people that she’s very competitive, and you should check out the latest video that she shared on her social media account to see what she meant.

‘growing up with brothers be like 😂 I know I don’t show this side of me often but something you guys will learn about me eventually is when it comes to games or sports I’m super competitive,’ Jordyn captioned her post.

Someone said: ‘Jordyn is very beautiful, I’m glad she is spreading her wings,’ and another follower posted this message: ‘Follow through with your throw the ball will have much more power.’

Jordyn also shared another video which she captioned with the following words: ‘since we’re already on the topic 😂🏀 which one y’all got? 🏀 or 🏈’

A follower exclaimed: ‘Oh my goodness! All around ! Wow!’ and one other commenter said: ‘Football is better than basketball it’s way harder plus you don’t get seven chances to win a series it’s one and done so it feels tenser.’

One other follower said: ‘Hold on why is your form better than Travis Scott and Tory Lanez??? Lol.’

Other than this, Jordyn is really happy to see that her community of Frst.Place sports gear fans are really enjoying her merch, and she made sure to share her gratitude for this on her social media account.

‘had to get it in! How’s my family💕 I can’t believe how fast and strong the community is growing and also the transformations I’m seeing from some of you so quickly is amazing🤩😍 let’s get itttt! Happy Tuesday 😘’ Jordyn captioned her post.


Fans made sure to praise her in the comments and to tell Jordyn that they are really proud of all of her achievements.
