She’s one of the original housewives from the original series, and she’s one of the most famously loud-mouthed, brash blondes in the franchise. She’s still second to Beverly Hills’ Brandi Glanville when it comes to using inappropriate language and inappropriate behavior, but Tamra Barney Judge, real housewife from Orange County is just as loud, brash and inappropriate as they come. She’s been gracing reality television with her presence for almost a decade now, and people just can’t get enough of her. Most people aren’t sure what to think since she is so back and forth on television, and the general consensus is that she’s a trouble maker. She’s currently married to Eddie, a younger man, after divorcing Simon, a man who tried very hard to control her and just recently won full custody of their teenage daughter. She’s taken to twitter to discuss her life like it’s her business, and we have a few little pieces of information you might not know.
She Doesn’t Have Custody of her Oldest Daughter
She has a daughter by the name of Sydney whom she does not have custody. Her ex-husband, Simon Barney was just awarded full custody and the claim is that the girl is embarrassed by her mother. We can see why this might be the case.
She has Four Kids 19 Years Apart
She was a very young mom the first time around when she had her oldest son, Ryan. And then she married Barney and had three more kids before she finally divorced him and moved one. She’s discussed having more with her current husband, but it doesn’t seem likely.
Tamra’s Age is Older Than you Might Think
Born in 1967, the real housewife is quickly approaching her 50th birthday and she’s not a big fan of letting people know her age. She tries to hide it with surgery, workouts and by claiming she is the hottest housewife in her franchise.
Her Net Worth isn’t What you Think it Is
Many people might assume she is a millionaire, but she is not. In fact, Tamra’s net worth isn’t even $1 million. She earns approximately $350,000 per season on her show, and her estimated net worth is around $800 thousand.
She Had a Spin-Off
Some housewives end up with their own spin-off shows, and she’s one of them. She had a few episodes on a spin-off that chronicled her wedding to Eddie Judge, and she got married in front of the country at a lovely Orange County hotel. Her entire wedding was a bit inappropriate from the behaviors at bachelor and bachelorette parties to her ignoring her soon-to-be-husband’s requests.
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