What ethnicity is WWE star Roxanne Perez?

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Roxanne Perez is, without question, one of the most talented superstars on the WWE roster. At only 21, it's frankly unbelievable how good she is. Indeed, it's not for nothing that she was famously referred to as 'The Prodigy' when she first burst onto the scene.

Perez is the NXT Women's Champion. She has already won the NXT Women's Tag Team Titles, vanquished longtime rival Cora Jade, and won the inaugural Women's Iron Survivor Challenge. The sky is the limit for her, and we have no doubt that she is making her folks back home proud.

Rok-C's, as she was once known, roots are well-documented. The Texas native's heritage goes way deeper. If you are wondering what her ethnicity is, look no further.

Roxanne Perez is of Hispanic descent. During her time in ROH, she was spotlighted in the company's feature titled 'Outstanding Achievements of Hispanic stars for Hispanic Heritage Month.'

They paid tribute to her ROH Women's Championship win, which she secured by defeating fellow Latina Miranda Alize.

Roxanne Perez's thoughts on working in WWE

Perez has taken WWE by storm. Many fans have hailed her as one of the best youngsters on the roster and possibly the world.

Her arrival in WWE was a great moment, but to her, it's something she still can't believe is reality.

“I still feel like a little kid every single day that I go to work. I feel like everything has been happening so fast, but I feel like everything happens the way it’s meant to happen. It’s so cool getting to work with Shawn Michaels. Literally, the first time that I met him, I was like a little kid. I was like, ‘Oh my god, don’t cry, don’t cry.’ But yeah, it’s so cool,” she said. [H/T - 411Mania]

Roxanne Perez won the Iron Survivor Challenge at NXT Deadline and then the NXT Women's Championship on this week's episode.

Her rise has been nothing short of meteoric. As she stands at the top of the mountain, we can't wait to see how she takes on all comers.

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