CSI: Vegas Recap 10/27/22: Season 2 Episode 5 In Harms Way

Posted by Gladis Harcrow on Thursday, June 6, 2024

CSI: Vegas Recap 10/27/22: Season 2 Episode 5 "In Harm's Way"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Thursday, October 27, season 2 episode 5 called, “In Harm’s Way” and we have your weekly recap below. In tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode as per the CBS synopsis, “After all the guests attending an upscale fundraising soiree for the science department at a local university fall ill, the CSI team gears up to investigate.

Also, Catherine enlists Grace’s roommate to help her find clues after Grace disappears.”

Tonight’s season 2 episode 5 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s CSI:Vegas episode begins with a party, Roland Woodall says a few words, he is a lawyer, and he builds relationships between investors and scientists. He says people like professor Grady Morrow, he is new electromagnetic autoclave is going to make field medicine safer for everyone. Professor Morrow tells Luther, who works on his team, that credit goes to the whole team. All of a sudden, everyone starts coughing, gasping, falling over.

Elsewhere, Catherine goes to see Monica and tells her that her roommate Grace is dead. She thought that she just ran off. Catherine says she is trying to figure it out. She wants to know if her roommate said anything, if something seemed off. Catherine leaves her card.

Thirty people are headed to the ICU, a University party gone wrong. The team is on the scene and suited up, there is vomit everywhere. There are a couple of dead bodies, one is Roland Woodall. Until Sonya does the autopsies they are not going to know what caused this. Beau tries to take off his suit because they’re are no toxins and Max freaks out, she says no way. They take lots of samples and evidence.

One guy fell off a balcony, his name is Joe Milligan, COO of Whitmore Hewitt.

Max, Beau and Serena head to the hospital, one doctor is a victim, he rushed his test and they found nothing. The team finds out the professor Morrow left the party early, he has now become a suspect. Morrow says he left the party because it wasn’t his scene.

Sonya doesn’t see any evidence of a chemical attack. Joshua is with her, they find an empty insulin pouch in Woodall, so she is going to start there.

Monica goes to see Catherine, Grace received a watch from someone just before she went missing. The watch is worth as much as a car and the guy who gave it to her told her to stop asking questions.

THE FBI storms into the morgue, Sonya is in the middle of an autopsy, Joshua and Max are with her. Agent Fenwick tells them this is not their case anymore, they will take it from there.

Max says no way, three people died in her town, she is solving this. Beau walks in and says he has a long shot, he brings in a rat that he found dead and thought it was strange that he was dead and the fish in the pond were not. The time of death for the rat is the same as the other victims.

The rat had mini strokes, they all happened at once. Sonya is throwing darts, but she found evidence of hydrogen peroxide in the rats lungs. Its the perfect poison. Max tells Ahalya that the FBI is finished with the case, it is there’s now, they can pick the crime scene apart.

Monica brings in some items from a poker game that will give Catherine DNA from a poker game, that might help them with Grace’s case.

At the crime scene, the fish are now dead in the pond. The oxygen pump died. Joshua has a plan, check everything electronic and see if anything else is on the fritz. Looks like something caused an electrical disturbance. They find a machine out back, and Beau thinks it is a weapon.

Beau and Joshua shell the machine into Max’s office. It is a directed energy weapon, it sends pulses, trans cranial magnetic stimulation. Seizures, vomiting, you forget how to walk, you fall down.

They turn the machine on, direct it away and it affects electronics. If the killer knew that Woodall had a diabetes pump, this could have been targeted at him.

The team go to see Morrow and show him the machine, he says he doesn’t recognize it. Morrow says all his vice does is sterilize medical equipment. Max looks over and sees someone leaving, who looks suspicious, it is Luther. He looks like he is faking his symptoms from being at that party, she thinks he is the killer.

Catherine mets with Jodi who gives her advice to let the case go about Grace.

Max and Serena meet with Luther, they show his cat scan, he didn’t have the same result as everyone else, he wasn’t exposed even though he was acting like he had the symptoms. Beau brings in the machine, and says he doesn’t know how to turn it on and pretends to turn the nozzle, Luther freaks out and begs him to turn it off. He let Woodall have it and blended in with the survivors. He says he didn’t mean to kill those people. Luther is arrested.

Monica meets with Catherine again and asks if the stuff she saved her helped. Yes, Mikel gave Grace the watch and he has fled to Belarus and Catherine is headed there.

