Kendall Jenner Wants Harry Styles Back and Hes Not Interested

Posted by Gladis Harcrow on Thursday, June 6, 2024

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Talk about One Direction! That’s the case when it comes to love between Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles. The two were the talk of the town several months ago when they were spotted together several times. They’ve since gone their separate ways, but someone isn’t so sure that was the right decision.

According to reports, Kendall Jenner “can’t get Harry Styles out of her head”, but he wants nothing to do with her. Apparently, the 18-year old model hasn’t stopped phoning the 20-year old singer despite their romance ending months ago. Why their relationship ended is still a mystery. Last November, they were seen in Los Angeles, New York and styles even stayed at Bruce Jenner’s pad to hang out with his daughter.

The two were last seen with their PDA at Coachella – and then never again. Here’s what an insider said about the situation –

“Kendall really opened up to him and he did nothing but use her. That hasn’t stopped her from dreaming of a rematch and after a night out with the girls, she’ll come home and start calling him. Harry rarely takes her calls because he knows when he’s pushed his luck when it comes to a woman’s heart and Kendall’s got it bad for him. He doesn’t want to encourage her, but it’s turning into an embarrassing situation – for both of them.”

Sounds pretty standard for a Kardashian relationship.

Photo by Dave J Hogan/Getty Images
