Naveen Andrews of Lost gets full custody of son after courtroom drama

Posted by Erma Hippe on Friday, June 7, 2024

Naveen Andrews and his current girlfriend, Barbara Hershey. His son is with an ex

Naveen Andrews of Lost had a dramatic courtroom battle yesterday with the mother of his three year old son, Naveen Joshua. Prior to the hearing both parents shared custody, but now Naveen has been awarded sole legal and physical custody of the child until another hearing next month. Apparently the boy’s mother, Elena Eustache, made wild allegations against Naveen and his girlfriend, actress Barbara Hershey, that hurt her case. She also left Los Angeles county with the child against court order. The poor mom was sitting on the courtroom steps crying after the hearing while Naveen left holding their son.

The “Lost” star and Elena Eustache, the mother of three-year-old Naveen Joshua, were in L.A. County Superior Court, where a judge changed the custody order after Elena allegedly took the boy out of L.A. County without permission. Naveen also claimed Elena kept the boy from him.

The parents had joint custody, but today, with the help of disso-queen Laura Wasser, the order was modified so Naveen now has sole physical and legal custody pending a full hearing next month.

We’re told Elena has alleged Naveen’s girlfriend, Barbara Hershey, practices witchcraft and that Naveen and Hershey have poisoned the boy. In response, Wasser asked the judge to order Elena to undergo psychiatric testing.

Elena brought the boy to court. After the ruling, the bailiff took the boy from Elena and gave him to Naveen, who left the courthouse with Hershey.

Under the new order, the boy is allowed to travel to Hawaii where Naveen films “Lost”. He can be accompanied either by Naveen or Hershey.

After the hearing, Elena told TMZ, “I can’t believe celebrities and their money. They always get what they want.”

The pic above [on TMZ] shows the boy, Naveen, Laura Wasser and Barbara Hershey leaving court.

[From TMZ]

It surely helped Andrews’ case that he had such a high profile attorney and maybe the mother was right that it wouldn’t have went down that way if it was a more typical custody case. My heart kind of aches for the mom as I can’t imagine having my son taken away without the prospect of seeing him for a month. What’s more is that Andrews can even take the child to Hawaii with him while he’s working. We don’t know many details in this case, though, and just because the mom is crying hysterically and upset it doesn’t mean she deserves to continue to have custody or that she did the right thing with her son. Hopefully the judge was impartial and looked at the facts without being overly influenced by attorney Wasser or Naveen’s celebrity status.

Naveen Andrews and Barbara Hershey are shown on 9/10/07. Credit: WENN

