Porsha Williams Has Something Powerful Coming From Her Family And Friends

Posted by Gladis Harcrow on Friday, June 7, 2024

Porsha Williams made fans and followers excited on social media when she recently dropped the following announcement. Check out the message that she posted recently.

‘I have something powerful coming your way from my good friends & family !! #VoteOrDie 💪🏾❣️ @drewsidora @lodwill @shameamorton @maryamaytac1 @veganchefgueli @iamadrene @yefavors #Sisterhood #OurVoicesCount #Vote2020 #StrongWomen,’ Porsha captioned her post.


Someone said: ‘Ain’t nobody never died from voting. We’ve died from realizing we need to just bet on us! ❤️’ and another follower posted this: ‘Congratulations mommy I see you making moves, keep doing what you are doing. ❤️’

Another fan said: ‘We hate bravo and once you leave this show it will be done for good. They already threw you under the bus for rating. #wehatebravo.’

A commenter posted this message: ‘wish I could have been there, y’all look amazing #vote,’ and one other follower said: ‘I love this! You all look so good in these outfits!’

Someone else said: ‘You Lauren have the same EXACT smile 💗💗’, and another fan posted this: ‘@porsha4real had to look close you and sissy giving twin vibes.’

A fan posted: ‘March those streets straight to the polls girls!’ and one follower said: ‘Yo I thought your sister was photoshopped in as you 😩😂 I’m like “oh cool, two Porsha’s” 😂😂 yall are TWINS!’

Lots of people were surprised to see that Porsha and her sister, Lauren Williams, are twinning.

In other recent news, Porsha Williams made her fans and followers excited when she announced that her advice hotline is open and waiting. Check out her message below.

‘The Porsha4Real Advice Hotline is open and waiting for your questions about love, work, family and everything in between! Call ‪(661) 513-3657 and leave a short voice message with your question that you could use some advice on. I can’t call you all back, but you’ll hear from me, my mom and my sister very soon,’ Porsha captioned her post.


Porsha is living her best life with her baby girl.
