Too Hot To Handle: Germany couples

Posted by Gladis Harcrow on Friday, June 7, 2024

Too Hot To Handle: Germany aired on February 28, 2023, and featured 12 single people who were initially unaware of the show they were participating in. Weeks of what they thought would be flirty fun soon turned into a journey of restraint and self-development.

Throughout the show, people found themselves attracted to one another and they soon started dating. The three couples that were highlighted during the Netflix show were winners Kevin and Emely, Tobias and Stella, and Sophie and Akka.

The winners of Too Hot To Handle: Germany are still together

The winning couple, Kevin and Emely, took home the prize. While they didn’t start off strong during the show due to Kevin’s interest in Laura, the love triangle soon faded and gave way to a love story that had fans engaged.

Their bond was put to the test multiple times as new contestants joined the show. However, after a lot of lost money and numerous penalties, their bond only grew stronger.

The two spoke to Glamor about their relationship and stated that after the show, they were in a long-distance relationship for a while, but Emely has since then moved back to Germany and they live together now.

Kevin added:

"Before she went to Ibiza, she was in Germany for a while and only 20 minutes away from me. That means we had all the time after the show to see each other - so what we had and have doesn't just disappear like that. Then it went back to everyday life, and then I always visited her in Ibiza as best I could."

Other couples from Too Hot To Handle: Germany

While the winners of the Netflix reality show are still together, there is speculation about the other couples that were formed during the show.

Sophie and Akka

The two didn’t get together at the beginning of Too Hot To Handle: Germany as the female contestant didn’t feel a “romantic spark” between them initially. However, Sophie took to Instagram to post a picture of the two of them together and captioned it:

“Germany’s favorite reality TV couple.”

The cast member commented on the picture and called Sophie his barbie.

While their relationship status isn’t confirmed, they two are on good terms since the show ended.

Stella and Tobias

This Too Hot To Handle: Germany couple did not have the easiest journey while in the villa. While they got together at the beginning, they also ended up spending 14,000 euros ($14,784) on their first night together.

Tobias later went on a date with Sophie, which did not sit well with his partner, who then joined two new cast members in the shower. This caused a lot of problems between the two, but in the end, they chose each other.

While there is no statement from their side about their official relationship status post the show, they often have flirty interactions on social media. Recently, Tobias posted a picture with a caption asking whether he could take her on a date, and Stella replied in the affirmative.

Episodes of Too Hot To Handle: Germany can be streamed on Netflix along with episodes of other regional installments of the franchise.

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