HoYoverse has released a new Genshin Impact web event called Glad Tidings From Afar for the new Fontaine OST Album. During the event, you are tasked to listen to a couple of soundtracks from Fontaine and send them as gifts to the character that relates the most. It is a pretty short and simple web event, and it does not even take a lot of time to complete.
After correctly sending out all the gifts to the rightful recipient, you can obtain a redemption code worth 40 Primogems. However, note that the number of times the rewards can be claimed is limited to five million. Here is a simple guide to playing Genshin Impact's Glad Tidings From Afar web event.
Play Genshin Impact's Glad Tidings From Afar Web Event to get 40 Primogems for free
To participate in the Glad Tidings From Afar web event, click the link provided in the above X (formerly Twitter) post by Genshin Impact. This will direct you to the event page. Luckily, you don't need to log in using your HoYoverse account, so you can start playing it immediately.
With that out of the way, let's begin with the guide. At the starting page of the web event, you will need to choose between male and female main characters. Either choice is fine since it won't affect your gameplay experience. After this, you must follow the tutorial until a box containing a Radiant Spincrystal is opened. Next, listen to the track and gift it to the most suitable person.
There are five Radiant Spincrystals, one for each character shown on the right side of the screen. You must gift all the tracks to these entities to complete the event. Here is a list of all the Spincrystals and their true recipients:
- Ballad of Many Waters: Klee
- Cakes and Ale for the Exiled: Diona
- Le spectacle doit continuer: Yun Jin
- Il Nome della Rosula: Yelan
- Ann's Anapausis: Tighnari
After gifting out all the tracks from the Fontaine OST Album, click on the Share to Obtain Primogems option and copy the link. This will create a redemption code, worth 40 Primogems. Note that it can only be used once per account, and the number of rewards is limited to only five million. Once the amount of claims reaches the maximum limit, you won't be able to get the Primogems.
To redeem the code, go to the official Genshin Impact website or do it via in-game settings in the Account section. The Glad Tidings From Afar web event will end on October 28, 2023, so get the free Primogem rewards as soon as possible.
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