There are a plethora of food items that players can eat in Minecraft 1.19. The hunger mechanic in the game is quite important for players to understand since having a full hunger bar will keep them alive and allow them to regenerate their health. Out of all the food items, there are some that are much more suitable for consumption.
In Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update, players will be venturing deep underground to explore the dangerous Deep Dark Biome and also traverse through dense Mangrove Swamps. To keep themselves alive and well, players must have ample amounts of quality food items. Here are five of the best examples.
Top 5 food items to consume in Minecraft 1.19, including items that give special effects
5) Rabbit stew
Rabbit stew is arguably the most underrated food item in the game. Players usually choose other food items like steak, porkchops, etc., simply because they are more easily available. However, rabbit stew is a great alternative if gamers want to fill their hunger bar and quickly recover.
This food item fills around five levels of the hunger bar. However, it does not offer a lot of saturation. If players are in a desert or barren biome, they may be able to find some rabbits to make a stew.
4) Porkchop/Steak
These two food items are ranked together since they are identical to each other in terms of quality. Porkchop and steak are some of the most commonly used food items in the game. Gamers usually find cows and pigs in every biome and cook these food items all the time. These are some of the best food items since they replenish four levels on the hunger bar and give a good amount of saturation as well.
3) Golden Carrots
There is a constant debate about Golden Carrots being better than Porkchops and Steak in the community. If we look at it in terms of saturation, the golden carrot wins.
This special item needs to be crafted with eight gold ingots and one normal carrot. Players must have a zombified piglin gold farm and a carrot farm to make golden carrots a regular food source. The only downside is that it replenishes just three levels in the hunger bar.
2) Golden Apple
Golden apples are a class apart when it comes to food items in the game. This is not a normal food item as it possesses some magical powers. Luckily, these can be crafted by combining one apple and eight gold ingots. Once eaten, the food item applies Regeneration and Absorption effects for 5 seconds and 2 minutes, respectively.
It also gives players full health and two extra hearts as well. Even though they are not the best items to replenish hunger bars or saturation, they definitely help players survive in dire situations. These can also be found as chest loot in several structures.
1) Enchanted Golden Apple
The Enchanted Golden Apple is the best food item in the entire game. It is an ultra-rare food item that cannot be crafted in any way. They can only be found as chest loot in several structures. It is an overpowered food item that gives Regeneration, Absorption, Resistance, and Fire resistance status effects. On top of that, it can also completely replenish health and gives the player eight extra hearts.
Despite having a low saturation and hunger recovery stat, this item is craved by almost every player in the game. Fortunately, these items are much more common in Minecraft 1.19 since they have the highest chance to generate in the new Ancient City.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion
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